Fill Out The Short Form Below To See If The Contractors Plan Is The Right Solution For Your Business

Fill Out The Short Form Below To See If The Contractors Plan Is The Right Solution For Your Business
Since 2009, over 500 ABC members have adopted The Contractors Plan to assist them with their Davis-Bacon, prevailing wage compliance and retirement plan needs. Now we've teamed up with ABC to broaden the scope of our product offering and now offer a total benefits solution uniquely designed for construction contractors. Our Solution is: Available to all ABC contractor members regardless of the type of work they perform, with features and benefits that will support the entire spectrum of employee benefits. Sold and serviced through a national network of local brokers and agents. Many of the ABC broker members are already contracted to sell The Contractors Plan and more are signing up every day.
By Partnering With The Contractors Plan You Can:
While there is more work than ever to bid on, thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, there are also more competition and regulatory challenges than ever before. We help contractors to be tax efficient and reduce worker compensation insurance premiums while maintaining strict compliance with certified payroll and other prevailing wage regulations.
At The Contractors Plan, we specialize in working with contractors who bid on, and complete, government funded projects subject to prevailing wage regulations such as the federal Davis-Bacon Act.
If you are looking for a partner to help your business recruit skilled labor, reduce costs associated with taxes and insurance premiums and ensure compliance with certified payroll and other prevailing wage regulations and compete more effectively and profitably, then The Contractors Plan is your solution.
If your business meets certain criteria, you may be able to save between 4% and 6% of your total prevailing wage payroll. Fill out the form above to find out if you qualify to work with The Contractors Plan.
You may not be aware of this but paying fringes as wages can be very expensive compared to paying fringes as benefits. If you are looking to stay competitive and start submitting leaner bids, click the button to connect.
Review the Fringes as Wages Vs. Benefits Savings example and click the button below to try out our savings calculator on our website to see how much you can save.
Competition for prevailing wage and service contract act jobs is fierce - and scrutiny for compliance is tougher than ever.
With The Contractors Plan, you have a powerful resource to help you save money on payroll, keep your health & welfare within the fringe, maximize owner contributions to retirement accounts, and provide quality health, dental, vision and life insurance all without breaking the bank. Not to mention staying in compliance with government regulations.
Customized Solutions
The Contractors Plan understands the unique challenges that Davis-Bacon and Service Contract Act contractors face when creating and managing a bona fide employee benefits plan. We specialize in prevailing wage contractor benefits and compliance and we've assembled our knowledge into a flexible, easy-to-use solution that offers great benefit options for your employees.
Since 1983, The Contractors Plan has designed and administered healthcare, retirement and specialty benefits programs for government contractors. Our products and services help employers save money, reduce their workload and stay compliant with local and federal government mandates and regulations.
World-Class Partners
When offering employee benefits products through The Contractors Plan, you gain the administrative solutions that make working with prevailing wage contractors possible. Our powerful eligibility management process is designed specifically for Davis-Bacon Act, so you can reduce your workload and keep winning jobs.
© The Contractors Plan. All Rights Reserved.
The Contractors Plan
11910 Anderson Mill Rd. Suite 401
Austin, TX 78726